Friday, November 21, 2008

ORA-03136: Inbound Connection Time Out (10g only)

When you got ORA-03136: Inbound Connection Time Out (10g only) and listener is already running then shutdown the listener and set the following parameters in listener.ora


Start the listener again.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Convert Number (Digits) To Word (Strings)

There are many times when we need to spell out the amount in number to words. E.g. In banking/billing you need to convert amount 450 to "Four Hundred and Fifty" for display. This can be very lengthy task if you write a procedure to achieve this functionality. Here is a simple query (for ORACLE only) that will simplyfy your task. Suppose you want to convert 873 to words for displaying in your report.

SQL> select to_char(to_date(873,'J'), 'JSP') as converted_form from dual;


J represents the julian format. When the to_char function is applied to the result of to_date, it spells (SP) the word for the number passwd to to_date.

To convert the decimal number simply follow the trick:

SQL> SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(trunc(100.50),'J'),'JSP') ' Point ' TO_CHAR(TO _DATE( to_number(substr('100.50', instr('100.50','.') + 1)),'J'),'JSP') from dual;